Launching a campaign to build an emotional connection with consumers, positioning Sainsbury’s as THE value supermarket

Intention and Action

Sainsbury’s is well-loved for its high quality, but despite its extensive value offering, they are not known or chosen for its value offering.

In a competitive value space, dominated by ‘challenger’ brands, our task was to focus on a ‘Magpie Audience’, spontaneous shoppers who are enticed by the best deal, by establishing the connection between food and joy, then communicating the brand’s commitment to lifting the moments that matter with affordable prices.

Phase one focused our campaign around ‘moments of joy’ through insight that, after years of lockdown behind us and an uncertain future ahead, consumers are increasingly looking for little lifts to make the everyday more special.

This led to a media campaign that announced the nation’s top ‘10 Moments of Joy’ and the food and drink items that make them extra special, with all the nation’s favourite food and drink items included in Sainsbury’s extensive value range, communicating how now, more than ever the brand is committed to helping people enjoy the moments that matter.

Enhanced this message through a partnership with renowned phycologist Emma Kenny, who shared insights on the importance of these moments in touch times, the role food and drink plays and offered advice on how to maximise everyday experiences.


•Widespread National News coverage, achieved during one of the most turbulent weeks of 2022

•Our coverage achieved an 81% audience match with our ‘Magpie’ audience, ensuring it was seen by the target

•63% increase in Google searches for ‘Sainsbury’s and Joy’ and an uptick in social conversations around Sainsbury’s value initiatives

•43% off coverage reached those who prioritise value

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